• 01:05
  • Friday ,04 April 2014

Why killers of the Copts are always honored?

Naim Youssef

Article Of The Day


Friday ,04 April 2014

Why killers of the Copts are always honored?

Why killers of the Copts are always honored? I usually ask myself this question, as those responsible for killing the Copts, either criminal responsibly or political responsibility, are always honored. I wonder: is this meant to provoke the Coptic Christians?

Recently, General Mahmoud Hijazi, who had accused the Copts of being the reason behind Maspero massacre in which the army killed dozens of Coptic youth, has been promoted to the rank of Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Armed Forces.
This came after Field Marshal Tantawi has also been honored during the anniversary of October 6th victory, ignoring his political responsibility for Maspero massacre.
Moreover, General Samy Anan, who's also responsible for the same massacre, was honored and decided to run for president. Furthremore, he was  unashamed to ask for the support of the Coptic Christians in the presidential elections! 
Soon, General Mahmoud Hijazi, was promoted to the rank of Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces ignoring his insult for the Copts and that he blamed the Coptic demonstrators for attacking the army and killing each other at Maspero massacre!
He used fake videos of the Egyptian public television to prove the Copts had attacked the army first, and ignored many other videos showing the armored vehicles crashing the Copts. I wonder: why killers of the Coptic Christians are always being honored, even at the such critical moment in Egypt?