• 23:47
  • Wednesday ,02 April 2014

Serious disasters after killing Mary George

Rafik Rasmy

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,02 April 2014

Serious disasters after killing Mary George

A Coptic Christian young lady was driving her car in Ain Shams, and passed by a demonstration of the Muslim Brotherhood. Pro Muslim-Brotherhood supporters recognized that she was a Christian by the cross on her car. These Muslim-Brotherhood supporters then specifically targeted her even though she had no involvement in the clashes between the Islamists and security forces. Moreover, she was ministering a Muslim woman whom she used to deliver medicine to her. Her cross was a good reason for them to attack and even kill her. 

She could have driven her car as fast as possible even if she had to kill a number of those savages. Yet, she had something in her heart that those monsters never knew about, which is called mercy and love.
They jumped on top of her vehicle to the point that the roof collapsed. In what can only be described as a savage and ruthless attack, Mary George was violently removed from her vehicle, severely beaten and mauled – portions of her scalp and hair were pulled off. She was repeatedly stabbed, with some accounts saying up to 16 times, and she died in a humiliated and abject state. Afterwards, her car, with the hanging cross, was burnt.
After this brutal murder, director of Forensic Medicine, who belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood came out before media to deny all that was mentioned by the eyewitnesses. He claimed that she was killed by gun, and she was not stabbed, tortured or even assaulted! This director of Forensic Medicine was appointed by the regime of the Muslim Brotherhood and is still in office to issue such fake reports!
Media has ignored the whole story and human rights activists have forgotten to denounce the attack giving an impression that they have received no order by those who financially support them!
Furthermore, the Egyptian people are not used to attack women, and used to defend any woman under attack. However, she was not saved by anybody this time, and was left alone to confront those animals and devils. I wonder what kind of families have raised those creatures? and where is the Egyptian society is going?