• 00:01
  • Tuesday ,18 March 2014

Egypt's progresses in corruption!

Ashraf Dous

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,18 March 2014

Egypt's progresses in corruption!

I wonder why former officials in Egypt never stand trial for their crimes, wrongdoing or waste of public money. They never pay the price for their mistakes and corruption. In all democratic countries, the officials are ministers for the people who pay them from their tax money.

Unfortunately, Egypt's reputation is threatened with the advanced position it acquired concerning corruption in many international reports.
Shall we hold our peace before such serious problem? Or should we move to save the reputation of our beloved country?
Many people do not trust the governments anymore, as it doesn't move a muscle to put an end to corruption in all state institutions.
Where are the honorable citizens in Egypt? Many thieves have wasted the reputation of our beloved country! May God preserve her.