• 00:13
  • Friday ,21 February 2014

British Foreign Ministry warns its nationals against travelling to Sinai

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Friday ,21 February 2014

British Foreign Ministry warns its nationals against travelling to Sinai

The British Foreign Ministry issued a statement Wednesday advising its nationals not to travel to South Sinai except for urgent matters and except for the areas of Sharm el Maya, Hadaba, Naama Bay, Sharks Bay and Nabq, affiliated with Sharm al-Sheikh.

"We believe there is a high threat from terrorism and terrorists continue to plan attacks. Attacks could be indiscriminate and occur without prior warning. Terrorists could target protestors and the Egyptian authorities. Attacks targeting foreigners cannot be ruled out. Attacks have mainly been aimed at the security forces, their facilities and other government buildings. You should take great care near these buildings," the statement read.
On 16 February 2014, a tourist bus was attacked in Taba in South Sinai, close to the Israeli border at Eilat. It has been reported that four people were killed.