• 02:55
  • Tuesday ,11 February 2014

Reconciliation with the devil!

Monir Beshai

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,11 February 2014

Reconciliation with the devil!

The Muslim Brotherhood has offered recently to reconcile with the Egyptian people. Once again it tries to fool decive the people after it failed many times to achieve such reconciliation. Do you know why? Simply because this group consists of a punch of killers who should be arrested and stand trial for their many crimes. 

There were many initiatives offered by Hassan Nafaa, Professor of Economics and Political Science, and Journalist Mostafa Bakry, and more to reconcile with the Muslim Brotherhood. Yet, president Adly Mansour, Egypt's interim president said that such reconciliation would have been very much appreciated before so much violence and killing has been carried out by the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters. 
How come they talk about reconciliation with terrorists whose charges are likely to lead them to death penalty. Leaders of this terrorist group has committed so many acts of violence against the Coptic Christians and security forces and the Egyptian people.
True reconciliation should be based on credibility; however, those killers can't be trusted, as they have never changed their mind or offered repentance for their sins.
Reconciliation also should be based on justice. If its living victims should be compensated, the dead people whom they killed can't be compensated? Furthermore, how can they compensate for their treason against Egypt.
In short, the Muslim Brotherhood can't recosiliate with the people as it has never changed since its very beginning. It may present a new look, but its essence can't be changed. Yet, we should not punish those who were not convected in hatred crimes, killing or other crimes. No body can reconcile with a disease like cancer. None is able to reconcile with the divil!