• 00:07
  • Tuesday ,11 February 2014


By-MARWA SAKER-Cairopost



Tuesday ,11 February 2014


I see bitterness and agony. I can see it in people’s eyes during my walks in the streets of Cairo. I can smell the blood everywhere. Every day there is a dead person and they are all young people.

I can see Egypt as an old woman and every single day she becomes a hundred years older than the day before. Even her citizens are losing their sense of humor.
We read to learn and to grow, to laugh, to be motivated, and to understand things we’ve never been exposed to. We also write for strength to help us when we feel broken, discouraged or afraid.
We write to find hope. We write because we’re not just made up of skin and bones, and a deep need for chocolate, but we’re also made up of words, words which describe our thoughts and what’s hidden in our souls.
What inspired me to write this article is a series of events that occurred consecutively. The last one was on Saturday Jan. 25, 2014 as Egyptian TV broadcast Egyptians who were celebrating the anniversary of the revolution, while on the other hand the reality was completely different. They turned the real picture upside down.
With the arrival of the revolution’s 3rd anniversary, police forces arrested a number of peaceful protesters in different regions in the Egyptian capital, as well as in other governorates.
The lists of those arrested that was documented by the Front to Defend Egypt’s Protesters, and included journalists who went to cover marches that had been called for by different forces, and lawyers who went to the places of detention of those arrested to
provide them with legal support. They were physically attacked and beaten by police personnel, leading to the murder and injury of some protesters with bird pellets and live ammunition that the police forces had fired at some marches.
Egyptian TV announced at the next day that some terrorists, all from Muslim Brotherhood, where dead.
Someone may criticize me and say that your description is more emotional than logical. My answer will be yes, but I am not a political animal, I am just a human being and a humanitarian one.
Who can turn a deaf ear and act a fool by saying “well done” to the ruling government, while I can see humiliation and youth being killed?
In my opinion they treat their pets even more humanely than human beings. Yes, I live in a country where people’s souls are the cheapest thing in it; worth less than the cheapest paper.
What do you expect from people who have no rights at all in their homeland? Do you expect them to be happy and talk about a shining future? Of course not, and if they did definitely it would be schizophrenia.