• 00:12
  • Monday ,10 February 2014

Terror Funds Exposed

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,10 February 2014

Terror Funds Exposed

I was surprised few days ago to discover some new facts about the cruel world; the cruel world our accentors took us to it out of ignorance or with malicious intentions not my point but the cruelty itself of killing foxes for their expensive fur or the pleasure of hunting! Lots of people had to stand up to stop this endless massacre of Foxes. Some happened in Spain recently when human organizations banned the Bull fights Spain always built their tourist attraction on this cruel merciless fight.I was surprised few days ago to discover some new facts about the cruel world; the cruel world our accentors took us to it out of ignorance or with malicious intentions not my point but the cruelty itself of killing foxes for their expensive fur or the pleasure of hunting! Lots of people had to stand up to stop this endless massacre of Foxes. Some happened in Spain recently when human organizations banned the Bull fights Spain always built their tourist attraction on this cruel merciless fight.

I understand God gave supremacy to humans over animals of purposes of survival, feeding or using animals to help them in farms, or use their products like eggs or milk and honey. However, the endless cruel killing of those animals for any reason that threatens the existence of a kind of animals on earth this is unacceptable by all measures!
Years ago I remember Brigit Bardot the famous sexy French Actress upon her pick bright days, when wealthy men just to get a smile or a look from her used to offer her expensive presents including the best of fur industry, she had to stand up against this industry and the merciless fox killing. At that time late sixties early seventies furs were a measure of style and in all fashion shows of Pier Garden or Channel furs had a measure part in the show until fashion models themselves stood against wearing furs or demonstrating them on fashion shows.
However, fur is not the only expensive trade depending on animals and animal life, there is a well know item that was always of a measure importance, Ivory! 
In Africa wild life and and nature, as elephants long life reaches it ends those animals feel their end is close by and used to go in groups to the so called by geologists Elephant cemetery, later become known as Ivory Cost! There the discovery of dead elephants created this country as merchants and treasure hunters had to only collect the ivory left over after the elephant died but and this is the most important part elephants died naturally no body harmed them or killed them! As I said it was a natural cemetery, elephants would go there freely to die in peace no body forced them to go there or knew about it until they discovered it!
Now I apologize for this image but if it was published in newspapers I guess it is appropriate to be in this article.
Double Shock.
This investigation shocked me twice, after my lengthy introduction I would like to make it clear I hate to see animals being slaughtered, I hate to see dead animals and their blood, during the big feast in Egypt, with all due respects to our Muslim Egyptian Brothers, I just avoid being in the streets as they celebrate their way of sacrifice and kill muttons or cows and even camels, their blood covers many streets and even Australian delegation once years ago saw the way their muttons are treated decided to ban exportation of muttons to Egypt!
The point is that those animals are still living creatures God created and have like humans feeling they do feel the pain and even in the Islamic religion there is a way to slaughter to minimize pain as much as possible! And yes in Christian religion too we sacrifice animals, moreover we eat them but this is not a green light to make them suffer or Butcher them merciless and make their kind disappear from earth!
In this article we see how the cruel Butcher keeps attacking poor Elephants not giving them the chance to even mate with each other, ignoring the cries of the falling victim as it agonizes death, and as well the cries of the surrounding elephants who see the attack on them and do not know what to do or how to stop it! Even the baby elephant which saw its mother dies in front of it and does know how to help or what to do but cry! This is what the Butcher himself confessed after his sleeping conscious woke up in prison!
This picture of the dead elephant shocked me and remembered all stories and statements I read when I was young about the foxes and their fur! But what shocked me more is the under covered world of the Ivory trade when this Butcher sells the ivory he collected under price to black market merchants who resell it for huge profits used to buy weapons for TERRORISTS!
Illegal Ivory Trade profits go to support terrorist and provide them with funds to keep terrorising the world! Yes, Egypt is in a war with terrorism but terrorism has no defined land it spreads from country to another without prior notice or alert we hear the bomb exploded in Boston, Moscow, Iraq not to talk about Syria or Egypt bombs! Otherwise stating no country is immune or safe and untouchable even those who oppose branding Muslim Brotherhood as a TERRORIST GROUP are subjects of their terrorism at a point of time! 
In this world that since WWII ended and claimed to be the last ever war; earth never really lived in peace, there was a war in Korea, and Vietnam, not to talk of Pakistan that created al Qaeda or Iraq followed by Syria and Egypt not one moment of peace so that weapon factories announce their bankrupts and this will never happen until the POWER of LOVE overcomes the Love of Power. 
God please keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians till that day when the POWER OF LOVE PREVAILS!