• 23:55
  • Wednesday ,05 February 2014

Bad influence media on the Egyptian mind

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,05 February 2014

Bad influence media on the Egyptian mind

Egyptian media is run by many wild generals like Ahmed Bahgat, businessman and owner of Dream TV, Mohamed Amin, contractor and owner of 14 private satellite channels, Naguib Sawiros, businessman and owner of ONTV as well as several newspapers, Emad Gad, chairman of Tahrir TV, pharmacist Makram Mahanna, CEO of Mehwar TV, and Tarek Nour, CEO of al-Kahera Welnas TV.

Unfortunately, they are leaders of a bad ignorant media in Egypt. They decided to change career to a new one that they know nothing about.
In fact, they decided to get into the media industry in order to achieve their own interests, profits and personal goals. 
Dr. Tawfiq Okasha, owner of Faraain private television, has been the only exception as he does his best in order to educate the people about politics and several conspiracies against Egypt by her enemies.
His channel has been a public school to educate millions of people about politics and invited the people to 11 demonstrations against the Muslim Brotherhood leading to its overthrown. Furthermore, this man has been supporting the army, police and the judiciary. He exposed the conspiracies of the Muslim Brotherhood in collaboration with the Americans and the World Zionist.
In fact, Okasha is the only anchor in Egypt who does not receive a wage for his work unlike all other anchors. He lost a lot of money, but he won the hearts of millions of Egyptian people. He suffered under many regimes and received so limited support by his colleagues. Yet, he proved he loves his homeland exceedingly and is willing to sacrifice his life. 
Faraain is the only television that presents a program about Qatar, and another one about the Coptic Christians each Sunday. However, he was not invited by the Church to attend the Christmas celebrations like all public figures. Moreover, this channel issued the first call to promote Field Marshal Abudl Fattah al-Sisi to this rank before the president officially gives it to him.
Therefore, I invite all of my dear readers to support Faraain and its owner for their great achievements in educating the people and overthrowing the regime of the Muslim Brotherhood. Let's support this decent television channel.