• 00:16
  • Tuesday ,14 January 2014

Sir Magdi Yacoub: No comparison!

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,14 January 2014

Sir Magdi Yacoub: No comparison!

With a great sense of nationalism, the interim President Adli Mansour commissioned Ahmad Maslamani, his Media Advisor who belong to the Muslim Brotherhood, to pay a visit to Aswan in order to congratulate Sir Magdi Yacoub, Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery, on receiving the the UK's highest honor, Order of Merit. This unique medal that was given only to 24 people all over the world.

Sir Magdi Yacoub left the operating room to receive Ahmad Maslamani who carried the congratulations of the president. In his speech, Maslamani insisted on mentioning that name of Ahmed Zewail several times with no reason as if he compares between Zewail and Yacoub.
In fact, there is no place for such comparison. Yacoub is an Egyptian national savior who gives every minute of his time to save hearts and lives, and focus on humanitarian work. He treats his patience free of charge without any distinction based on race, color or religion. On the other hand, Zewail has been trying hard to establish a university that carry his name in order to commemorate his name and only caused troubles to hundreds of students, and has engaged in disputes that reached the court of law. 
On the political platform, Sir Magdi Yacoub did not hesitate to participate in the fifty-members committee to write Egypt's constitution at the time Zewail has disappeared and did not support the Egyptian revolution.
I wrote this as the current stage needs us to differentiate between hidden agents who do not seek the Egyptian national interests and the real patriots who really love their people and their country.