• 00:09
  • Friday ,03 January 2014

What if the results was no?

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,04 January 2014

What if the results was no?

I read a lot of campaigns everyday that call for supporting the constitution from all demographics in society. As it is right for people to support the constitution, it is also right for people to vote against it. If we prevented people from expressing their opinion frankly, it means we may fall back into the fascist regime.  

I don’t think we need or will survive becoming that regime again. We suffered for a long time in the fascist in Mubarak era and Mursi as well.
I say that the current police regime give the people the freedom to express what they want without any oppressive action towards them. 
I believe that real freedom can tolerate any opinion even if it is not the same as the current regime's opinion. The NGO should defend those who have different opinions, but as I watch lately, it seems the NGO started to be silent against all issues belonging to the human rights. 
There is no doubt that the Muslim Brotherhood's actions pushed security to return back to its harsh  approach again, but that shouldn’t make us become passive with the actions that the police use even if it is against human rights. 
The community can't be united on everything, so we have to allow people to have different opinions without being sad or annoyed with those differences. A sound society is a society that allows people to express their opinions and not punish them on what they believe or what they want.