• 19:55
  • Thursday ,23 May 2013

“Allah Akabar” comes with bloodshed!

Sobhi Foad

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,23 May 2013

“Allah Akabar” comes with bloodshed!
Few days ago, we saw a video of a Syrian rebel cutting out and eating the heart of a dead government soldier in a horrific new propaganda stunt while shouting with his colleagues: “Allah Akbar”. Same slogan we hear while watching Syrian cities bombing as well as killing women and children in cold blood.
Previously, we watched the hand cuffed soldiers of Kaddafy’s supporters being slain by the Islamic opposition who were chanting the same slogan: “Allah Akbar”.
Furthermore, many times did we saw al-Zarqawi killing innocent people in Iraq chanting “Allah Akbar” as well!
In Egypt, the mob savages used to kill the Coptic Christians and demolish their churches shouting Allah Akbar, which many of these attacks are documented and recorded in videos.
I wonder if killing the innocent people and raping both women and children is lawful under the Islamic laws, or even supported by verses in the Qur’an. If this is the case, Muslim leaders and clergy should reconsider such verses that support violence and rape. If this is not the case, Muslims should ask themselves: Where did those terrorists get such bloody ideas that they ascribe proudly to Islam.
Who is responsible for such nonsense? Why Muslim Sheikhs couldn’t teach many of their disciples the right teachings of Islam and prevent them from misunderstanding Islam.
I’m afraid that “moderate Sheiks” holding their peace, while those terrorists are killing in the name of Islam will eventually lead to a horrifying clashes, and even another world war between Muslim countries and many other countries that are fed up with Islamic crimes and terroristic attacks in the name of Islam all over the world.