• 04:54
  • Thursday ,25 April 2013

What’re you waiting for?

Said El Sunni

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,25 April 2013

What’re you waiting for?

Why doesn’t the Egyptian army do anything to save Egypt from the occupation of the Muslim Brotherhood? It’s now clear that the MB has applied the same American plan in Iraq war in 2003, in which they disbanded the army and dismantled the security services as well as judicial bodies. 

In order to achieve this goal, they destroyed the history and civilization of Iraq. During the last 10 years, more Iraqis were killed than those who were killed in the war itself. Most of them were killed because of sectarian sedition.
Again, what is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces waiting for to save Egypt from being another Iraq? Statements of leaders of the army show it will only move in three cases: First, in case the people ask the army to intervene during a civil war. Second, in case the Egyptian national security is in real danger. Third, in case the state is collapsed.
In fact, these conditions are more or less applied in Egypt nowadays. Furthermore, the army and intelligence agency are being defamed on daily basis, like the last report published in The Guardian newspaper, which aimed to defame the army both internationally and intentionally.
It’s known that the Muslim Brotherhood cares for pleasing the West and the United States of America more than it does for the Egyptians. So, after attacking the Great Cathedral of St. Mark, the presidency has issued a statement in English accusing the Copts themselves of being responsible for the attack, even before the investigations were closed. Moreover, there are many signs that the army is being subject to a serious conspiracy like the smuggled uniforms, killing many soldiers in Rafah and anti-tank weapons and rockets that are seized every now and then. 
Will the leaders of the army hesitate till it’s too late? It’s enough that the MB leaders said they are willing to give Halayib and Shalateen to Sudan, and are trying to resettle the Palestinians in Sinai for the benefit of Israel. What about all that talk about selling or even renting Suez Canal to Qatar? Can’t you see all these threats to the Egyptian national security; will you wait till everything is gone? 
Millions of Egyptians call the army to intervene now in order to save them from the MB before it’s too late. Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians have officially entrusted the army to rule over Egypt after the MB has attacked the demonstrators as well as the judiciary, and hundreds were killed and tortured under the auspices of the police!
This is a perfect recipe for a civil war that calls the army to intervene as fast as possible in order to save Egypt before it’s too late.  