• 18:06
  • Friday ,19 April 2013

Egypt's NSF: 'Participating in elections is a patriotic duty'


Home News


Friday ,19 April 2013

Egypt's NSF: 'Participating in elections is a patriotic duty'

 The National Salvation Front (NSF) has reasserted its desire to participate in upcoming parliamentary elections – if its demands are met.

The opposition group said taking part in the elections was a “patriotic duty," in a statement released on Thursday.
Among the NSF's demands are the introduction of an unbiased electoral law, the removal of Prosecutor-General Talaat Abdullah, and the formation of neutral government which is not biased towards the Morsi regime.
The front said Abdullah would be an obstacle to transparent elections because his position is illegitimate. In March, an Egyptian court reversed President Morsi's decision to dismiss former prosecutor-general Abdel-Meguid Mahmoud from his post.
The opposition group also said it did not trust the Muslim Brotherhood to organise transparent elections. It accused the Islamist group of “tailoring” the electoral law to pave the way for the Brotherhood to dominate parliament.
The Shura Council approved the new electoral law last week. The law will now be passed to the High Constitutional Court (HCC) for review.
The front added that participating in the elections was part of their work to save Egypt from the dangers it faces, including what they dubbed the “Brotherhoodisation” of all domestic institutions.
Egypt’s parliament was dissolved by the HCC in June 2012 because of “constitutional violations.”