• 01:58
  • Monday ,08 April 2013

Rami Kamel: Police used cartridges against the Christians in Khosous

Girgis Bushra

Top Stories


Monday ,08 April 2013

Rami Kamel: Police used cartridges against the Christians in Khosous

Human rights activist Rami Kamel told Copts United that police forces have used cartridges and tear gas against the Coptic Christians who were attacked by the Salafis at the same time in front of St. George Church in Khosous.

Kamel added that the police have tried to move the corps of the Copts to Zeinhom morgue, but the Christians have refused to prevent manipulating thes forensic report.
It's worth mentioning that a number of eyewitnesses said that the Copts were killed after the police had arrived before the Church!