• 12:04
  • Friday ,05 April 2013

Copts as a target

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,06 April 2013

Copts as a target
Persecution of the Copts continues to be very severe within the last days. From my point, we are yet about to see a series of persecution. I’m not trying to be pessimistic but I’m trying to analyze the reality. When there is no security, no law, no police, no justice, and no moral values, what we should expect?
The recent events that occurred in Qalubaya is a prime example for the previously mentioned perspective.  Nine Copts were killed for no reason. Nine Copts were killed because they were practicing their religion in a peaceful way. We may be asking the reasons behind the Copts’ suffering. I believe the main reason is the lack of a tolerant culture. We can see this everywhere we look. Take our educational methodology for example. Look at what goes on in the Mosques. or what their sermons sound like.  
Since the time of Sadat, Mubarak, Morsi, persecution has been the same. This is because they had the same attitude about Copts. Not even one of them had the serious intentions to put an end to the suffering of the Copts. 
On the contrary, they were using the Copts issue at times to attack Islamists’ group. Sometimes they were trying to frighten the west from Islamic groups, not to protect Copts but to protect their own personal interests. 
Looking at the current situation, the Muslim Brotherhood in power, we can see that there will be no near solution unfortunately because the Muslim Brotherhood doesn’t respect the law, and furthermore, doesn’t respect women, other political powers, so how can we expect that the Muslim Brotherhood will respect the rights of minorities? 
So we may ask, what is the solution?  From my perspective, I believe the only feasible solution is one of two paths. The first is to unite the opposition together to bring down Morsi. The second Is to call the international community to push people to respect minorities. An international community means United Nations, or any other international organization could have influence.