• 01:10
  • Thursday ,25 February 2010


By-Peter Tadros

Top Stories


Tuesday ,23 February 2010

" Open your mouth for the speechless. In the cause of all who are appointed to die " Proverbs 31:8
 Dear Friends of the Persecuted,
The organisers of the January 19 Sydney Protest have teamed up and formed a powerful group  "ACMA" The "Australian Coptic Movement Association".  The group includes a decent mix of mostly youth and clergy.
The youth vary from age 21 to 38 and represents a decent cross section of Sydney's youth from various social and educational backgrounds with many experienced in the human rights field. We have also included Australian born youth and those who have recently arrived from Egypt.
In general, our activities are fully blessed by the Church.
Please note, there are rumours being circulated by the enemies of peace and justice that our activites exacerbate the condition for Christians in Egypt.
This is absolute nonsense. We have been persecuted for over 1400 years and we will no longer be silenced and see our beloved Egypt destroyed and we will not allow these systematic attacks against the indigenous Copts to continue unnoticed and we will not be intimidated by anyone. Our brothers and sisters in Egypt have risked their lives for daring to protest in down town Cairo in recent days - and we must support them.
A global and peaceful Coptic awakening has commenced and we hope that youth of NSW and QLD will play a major role in bringing justice, equality and freedom to our people.
In the meantime, a Facebook page has been created titled The "Australian Coptic Movement Association" and we encourage all the Youth from NSW and QLD to join the group and share their ideas and suggestions going forward.
Please pray for the success of ACMA and pray for the 15 Christians who are currently still detained near Nag Hammadi and the framed "Girgis Baroumi" who faces an uncertain future and please keep an eye out on our future activites in the lead up to Easter.
Peter Tadros
 P.S our website will be available in a few weeks. In the meantime, please visit www.persecutedcopts.com to view our recent activities, articles and videos.