• 09:53
  • Wednesday ,20 March 2013

ElBaradei condemns killing and lynching of suspected offenders


Home News


Wednesday ,20 March 2013

ElBaradei condemns killing and lynching of suspected offenders

Nobel Laureate and prominent opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei denounced on Monday the murder of the two men who were accused of violent crime by villagers in Gharbiya.

On his Twitter account, the coordinator of Egypt's Salvation Front accused the government of incompetence, saying that there any talk of 'legitimacy' after such an event is an undermining of the people's minds.
Head of the Dostour Party posted, "Public display of vigilante lynching and killing: are we losing our humanity in a lawless society?!"
Eyewitnesses said reportedly that villagers of the Gharbiya governorate beat two persons to death, refusing to turn them over to the police. The two men were accused of kidnapping a ten years old girl and attempted theft.
The witnesses added that the villagers gathered around the two men after capturing men, dragged, tortured and lynched them after tying them to a tree trunk.
After that, they strung up the corpses in a public place as a warning to others.
Many cases of killing 'thugs' had occurred in different governorates of Egypt since the outbreak of January's uprising in light of the absence of police.
Citizens no longer hand over criminals to the security forces, they take the law into their own hands .
"In absence of adequate state security, people are killing and lynching suspected offenders," the former director of the International Atomic Energy Agency said.
ElBaradei emphasized that "law and order is our immediate priority."