• 21:39
  • Monday ,11 March 2013

Back to Cairo

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,11 March 2013

Back to Cairo
Glad to be back in Cairo Dr.Morsi and his allies are not going to make me stop loving Egypt or stop being Egyptian and caring of Egypt.
I spent almost 72 hours in complete blindness of what is going on in Egypt as due to technical problems I could not switch between channels on TV using the remote and I had to get up to the TV for that purpose but as it was already by some unknown person set on the Egyptian International channel displaying a movie I decided to watch the movie while unpacking. Note the Internet service was cut off since I was not in the country I had to resume the service but I had to pay for it first!
The movie had almost finished and soon I had to watch the regular programming starting with the news a full package of lies nothing stands for even close to truth! The best part of it was an on line coverage for the stand up of Port Said riots, situation at the shooting site looked calm, and the reporter start reporting a general calm situation no fights the army is standing in between the police and the protesters and they just stand NO FIGHTS! What a shame while he was saying that on the air someone sent a Molotof  bottle to the police that responded immediately with many tear gas bombs and a white cloud blinded the camera and they had to cut off the on line report, the poor presenter had to invent and repeat the lies she heard and quickly switch to a different subject!
I could not stand the lies any more I had to switch to a channel that is not government run as the choices were limited I had a stop to the first available channel “4 Fun” a music channel to cool of my nerves and resume unpacking!
Without news, and without Internet if someone tells me Egypt is not any more in Africa and moved to Qatar I would believe him! (Just kidding) 
On my way home from the airport the taxi driver told me a decision to take the circular road as the 6th October bridge was set on fire in some parts of it to prevent traffic! He was so sad for the country no one talks any more of politics we all talk of the current crisis asking God's hand to save Egypt! I'm sure if this taxi driver do not had to feed himself and the ones that depend on him he would had be down there with the people setting fires on the roads to stop traffic!
According to this taxi driver that has a license of limousine and end up driving a regular taxi because the airport that used to receive at 2 o'clock after midnight 4 flights full of tourists end up with my unique flight of Turkish airlines no other flights in and most airline companies reduced their trips to Cairo from a daily trip if not more to just one in the week as it is not economic to fly with an empty plane! The Luxor accident the killed 2 Brits out of 19 victims set a big sadness in UK who respects and praise human life; 2 died Brits in this accident were enough to trigger press headlines in the \Daily Mirror and other newspapers, not hundreds and thousands of protesters killed in cold blood and no one investigates how or who killed them and why!  
Where are we heading, I heard the the merchants in the streets send a final warning in 15 days sitting on the streets without selling no one can afford to buy their merchandises they would not be able to eat and it will start a hunger revolution!
Yesterday, court closed the curtains of the Port Said Footy massacre – what took place in Port Said football game to look like a riot of football fans not a set up trap for clearing old accounts between police and Ahly football fun! Obviously no one is happy with the outcome, Altrass rejects the absence of some major conspirators like the chief of the police or the minister of the interior and on the other hand Port Said is upset their thugs -caught red handed on cameras- being executed while the thugs that are killing them now are set free to kill more of them! Heard -unconfirmed- that army is looking for some killers who where identified by the mob but without results, most likely they fled with the government help to cover up its acts! It is said they are not police but wearing police uniforms killing people  to set up the police in focus as supporters of the system not the people to the extend that policemen took a stand yesterday announcing their rejection of the current minister demanding the return of the previous Interior \minister their role is to protect people and institution public properties they are not set to fight mob or people who stand peacefully requesting their minimum human rights of dignity, freedom, and food!
Again unconfirmed reports said a police spokesman sent a warning that the police intend to escalate matters if their request to remove the current minister is not met then all of the police stations will be on strike and they will join the people in their stands and move with the people!
I apologise for my unconfirmed statements this is due as I explained at the beginning to living almost 72 hours in complete blindness of what is going on not only in Egypt but in the world in the absence of news Internet or newspaper that are government run!
I'm sorry I have to end my article at this stage and will resume as usual God Bless you all and Bless Egypt and Egyptians.