• 19:20
  • Friday ,21 December 2012

Egypt court orders retrial in case behind uprising

by Miami Herald

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,21 December 2012

Egypt court orders retrial in case behind uprising

An Egyptian court has ordered the retrial of two policemen sentenced to seven years in prison in the killing of a young man whose death helped ignite last year's uprising.

Cairo's Appeals Court on Thursday overturned the prison sentences and ordered the retrial of the policemen.
Khaled Said's slaying was widely seen as Egypt's version of the case in Tunisia of Mohammed Bouazizi - the fruit seller whose self-immolation triggered the uprising there and set off the Arab Spring in the region.
Said's family and witnesses say the two policemen savagely beat him to death after an argument at an Alexandria Internet cafe in June 2010. As proof, they point to photos of his body showing his badly disfigured and bloodied face as well as witness accounts.