• 04:47
  • Thursday ,21 January 2010

Let Us Be Honest and Frank


Short But Not Sweet


Wednesday ,20 January 2010

Let Us Be Honest and Frank
Let us be Frank and Honest:  What do Copts are going to do towards the massacres against COPTS in Egypt? First, it starts as discrimination, racism, persecution, systematic massacres, ethnic cleansing, religous cleansing, extermination then genocides like Armenia, Darfour, South Sudan, Christian Iraquis, Kurds, etc. So what the Copts are going to do? Please don\'t tell me the Pope, the Church, the prayers, and God may help. Fine, we need deeds and actions beside prayers. No More apathy and silence. LET COPTS DEMAND THEIR BASIC HUMAN RIGHT LOUDLY AND STRONLY. LET US ASK HELP and have deals even with the DEVILS. LET US LIBERATE COPTS from the Government and Church\' dictatorships.  We demonstrated one day in the USA and the chuch clergy has prevented us from protesting!  Tell Me what are we going to do?  Don\'t listen to the Coptic clerics who are fearful, scared and full of apathy and silence for their seats too.