• 00:12
  • Friday ,12 October 2012

El-Erian and El-Katatni final contenders for FJP leadership

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,12 October 2012

El-Erian and El-Katatni final contenders for FJP leadership

 The Freedom and Party leadership contest will be decided between former parliamentary speaker Saad El-Katatni and acting party leader Essam El-Erian, a party official announced Wednesday.

An internal ballot will take place on 19 October to select a replacement for Mohamed Morsi who stood down from the role when he became president in June.
Three other candidates – Sabah El-Saqari, a leading female member of the party's women's committee in Cairo; Khaled Ouda, leader of the party's parliamentary affairs committee and Mohamed Abu Baraka, the party's lawyer – have stepped out of the race.