• 09:45
  • Friday ,31 August 2012

Israel's defence chief asks Egypt to remove its forces from Sinai after military operation

by The Edmonton Journal

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,31 August 2012

Israel's defence chief asks Egypt to remove its forces from Sinai after military operation

Israel's defence minister is praising Egypt's efforts to combat militants in the Sinai Peninsula but is asking Cairo to remove its forces there when the military operation ends.

Defence Minister Ehud Barak told Army Radio Thursday that Israel is asking Egyptian officials to co-ordinate all future military activity in the area.

Egypt's tank deployment near its borders with Israel and Gaza earlier this month drew complaints from Israel that the move was done without approval. According to the peace treaty between the two countries, the area should remain demilitarized unless the two sides consent to another arrangement.

Israel quietly agreed to Egypt sending troops to the area, but not tanks. Egypt removed about a dozen tanks near the Gaza border Wednesday, but officials gave no reason for the pullback.