• 03:41
  • Friday ,31 August 2012

Pressure movement participates in August 31 demonstration

by Hisham Khurshid

Top Stories


Friday ,31 August 2012

Pressure movement participates in August 31 demonstration

Pressure movement, in a statement, has invited all revolutionary forces and coalitions of January 25 revolution as well as all civil currents to participate in tomorrow's demonstration after president Mohammed Morsy had ignored the demands of the revolutionists including the release of many revolutionists since January 25, 2011 and he rather released many criminals and thieves as well as leaders of the former regime.

Moreover, Morsy has also honored Field Marshal Tantawy and leaders of the Supreme Council of Armed Forces instead of judging them, statement added.

Karim al-Shaer, general coordinator and spokesman of Pressure movement, said that Muslim Brotherhood and its Freedom and Justice party are trying to defame all its opponents and political activists aiming at evacuating the political scene before MB.