• 20:49
  • Wednesday ,30 December 2009

I am very sad


Short But Not Sweet


Sunday ,27 December 2009

I am very sad
I am very sad to say, that many Christians will mess the blessings of the apparition of St Mary these days, because their lack of humbleness. We have a tremendous opportunity to revive and nourish our spiritual lives by receiving and accepting these blessings that God send us these days. I heard some people say do we need the apparition of St. Mary? we have the holy book. I want to refer them to the Lord warning in the last days when he said in the gospel of Mathew “when the son of man comes back will He find faith on earth”. Many Christians will loose their faith, and will be deceived. God always comfort his people and help them to keep their faith.
His holiness the great patriarch Pope Shenouda announced yesterday 12/23/2009 that he
Is going to form theologian group to study the apparition of the holy mother of God and they will submit their findings to his holiness.
In the mean time his holiness requested us to go and enjoy the apparition and to rejoice in the Lord and do not let the unbelievers take the joy from us the believers.
In the past all people of Egypt were rejoiced and were humble to accept these blessings from God. Those who were able to see the miracle of apparition were nourished spiritually and witnessed to others quietly and peacefully, those who saw did not judge who did not see. Also those who did not see did not attack the believe of those who saw. God is the source and the giver of these spiritual phenomena, He design it and let it happen at certain times for the benefit of mankind.
This is the first time in the history of the church, to see TV channels owned by individuals to talk about the apparition? Let us waist no time arguing with unbelievers of the apparition. Some unbelievers think that they know better the holy book than orthodox do, God forgive them. We should not waist our time debating them on TV.
Let us respond to God saying, thank you Lord for every thing you have done for us, what we shall do today lord to inherit the kingdom of God? We should focus on asking God through the intercession of St Mary to reveal to us where we should go from here on. We have a lot to do; there are many problems around us in Egypt that needs God’s hand to be resolved. We have seen these problems impacting many Christians in Alexandria in Cairo in many cities, villages in El Kosheh, Abou kourkas, in dear Abo Fana, Dyroot, and the last one in Farshoot.  We have now heaven with us; let us kneel down before God ask for His mercy and guidance.