• 00:37
  • Friday ,22 June 2012

Mursi holds meeting with political forces to discuss situation in Egypt


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,22 June 2012

Mursi holds meeting with political forces to discuss situation in Egypt

Presidential candidate Mohamed Mursi met with several political forces on Thursday to discuss the current political situation.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, one source told Ahram Online that the meeting was held in a hotel in Heliopolis. Representatives of the political forces asked Mursi to provide guarantees to ensure the rights and freedoms of all factions of Egyptian society. Mursi is the candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood and is currently competing with Mubarak-era prime minister Ahmed Shafiq for the presidency.
The revolutionary youth attending the meeting stressed that the Constitutional Addendum declared by SCAF on 17 July, which restricts the powers of the coming president, must be rejected. They also rejected any attempts by the Muslim Brotherhood to hold negotiations with SCAF without the participation of the other political forces.
The young revolutionaries also laid down some demands they said Mursi must fulfil immediately should he win the elections. These included the release of all political prisoners and all those who were tried in military courts and the cancellation of the Ministry of Justice decree giving the military the right to arrest civilians as well as the purging of the nation’s institutions including the media, the judiciary and the Ministry of Interior.
They also asked that the current prosecutor-general should be dismissed and replaced by someone from the independent judiciary movement.
According to the source, Mursi is expected to hold another meeting on Thursday evening with public figures and representatives of political forces.
The final results of the elections are expected some time between Saturday and Saturday.