• 02:45
  • Tuesday ,22 May 2012

Youth Bishopric: Pope Shenouda didn't favor any of the candidates

By-Maria Alfy

Top Stories


Tuesday ,22 May 2012

Youth Bishopric: Pope Shenouda didn't favor any of the candidates

 In response to the photos of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III on Facebook with one of the presidential candidates claiming that the Pope had preferred this candidate and supported him, the official page for Youth Bishopric had published many photos of the Pope with a number of public figures such as Dr. Mohamed El Baradei, Amr Moussa, Mohammed Badie, General Guide of Muslim Brotherhood and next to Sheik Muhammad Hassan, Hamdeen Sabahi and Ahmed Shafik.

The statement said: a photo for His Holiness with a candidate doesn’t mean we should vote for this candidate, or His Holiness Pope Shenouda III had favored this one. Christians may elect whoever they want.