• 02:30
  • Tuesday ,13 March 2012

Christians of Samalut are frightened!

Girgis Bushra

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Tuesday ,13 March 2012

Christians of Samalut are frightened!

Father Estafanous Shehata , deputy of Samalut diocese said to Copts united that Christian merchants of Samalut, Minya governorate are panicked after the threats they had received anonymously at their homes or through their cell phones, especially after criminals had carried out their threats by burning some shops owned by a Christian man called Yasser Sorial which coasted him about two million pounds. 

Shehata demanded the security authorities to immediately intervene to protect the Christians before other damages happen.
Yasser Sorial, the Christian merchant whose shops were burned said that they tried before to burn his shops and he reported the police and they told him that they know the criminals by name but they didn’t arrest any of them even after his shops had been burned.