• 20:05
  • Monday ,15 August 2011

Pro, anti-Mubarak protesters clash


Home News


Monday ,15 August 2011

Pro, anti-Mubarak protesters clash

 CAIRO (Updated 2) – Clashes erupted on Monday between Mubarak's loyalists and anti-Mubarak protesters outside the Police Academy, New Cairo where Mubarak and his two sons are being tried, the official Middle East News Agency reported.

Mubarak and his two sons Alaa and Gamal are accused of being involved in killing protesters during the January 25 revolt.
   Some of Mubarak's loyalists stoned Khaled Abu Bakr an attorney of one of the defendants. The lawyer and several others were injured together but the Police managed to end clashes and disperse people.
   Many of martyrs families had massed outside court to follow up the trial.