• 16:46
  • Tuesday ,26 March 2019

Watch and pray

By-Samia Ayad

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,26 March 2019

Watch and pray

The true prayer is the awakening to the remembrance of God as it is written, "Watch and pray". When the mind wakes up, it doesn t go astray and prefers to stick to the Lord through prayers.

Pope Tawadros II in his article entitled "Prayer is our strength" explained that short prayers should include the name of the Lord Jesus Christ unceasingly. Its basic words are: "My Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me the sinner". 
Our holy fathers said that the forces of darkness do not fear anything like the inner prayer of the heart. St. Gregory says,  We have to begin and end every work by offering a short prayer to God, offering the heart and all that we do. God does not look at the little we make, but to the emotions that move us. 
The holy fathers invited us to concentrate on prayers that God may grant us all good gifts from above. Increase the short prayers that they might follow your breaths. 
Please note that tears empowers the prayers and spiritual readings are source for pure prayers. The main goal of prayers is eternal salvation. Let s ask 
God to grant us powerful prayers in quality and not only the quantity.