• 15:36
  • Monday ,01 October 2018


Article Of The Day


Friday ,28 September 2018


Coptic social media was grieving over the death of a young Coptic anchor Noha Adly who was killed by Cancer. The lady was quite polite and prominent in Aghapy channel and was known as the daughter of Pope Shenouda III.

Other news about the death of a monk from St. Makkar monastery called Father Zinon al-Maqari was suspicious and initial investigations said he might have committed suicide to be named by media the second monk from the same monastery to commit suicide in one month. The incident brought the woes of one of the world s oldest churches back under the spotlight couple of weeks after head of his monastery was killed.

I find the news about murder crime and potential committing suicide by monks of a Coptic monastery is like a new disease or kind of cancer that infected that precious area of the Coptic Church and one of its greatest monasteries. This is different from the cancer that killed Noha Adly. 

As Christens, we believe that illness and death is a bridge to life, but when the infection is in the body of the church, we may have to worry and wish our mother church a speedy recovery.