• 01:40
  • Tuesday ,25 September 2018

Egypt Court upholds death sentences, life imprisonment for 135 people over Kerdasa police killings


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,25 September 2018

Egypt Court upholds death sentences, life imprisonment for 135 people over Kerdasa police killings

Egypt s Court of Cassation upheld the life imprisonment and death penalty sentences Monday handed to 135 people over the assaults on security forces in the town of Kerdasa in 2013.

The court rejected the appeals presented by the defendants over a criminal court sentence from July 2017, which saw 20 defendants sentenced to death, life sentences handed out to 80 defendants.
The attack on the Kerdasa police station, which saw 12 policemen and two civilians killed and their bodies mutilated, followed the forced and dispersal of sit-ins in support of ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in Cairo in August 2013 that left hundreds dead and sparked nationwide unrest.
The case has been making its rounds in the court system since 2014, with a criminal court initially sentencing 188 defendants, some in absentia, to death.