• 11:31
  • Tuesday ,24 July 2018

23 July revolution and the setback of Egypt

Monir Beshai

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,24 July 2018

23 July revolution and the setback of Egypt

On July 23, 1952, a number of Egyptian army officers who called themselves the Free Officers, overthrew the regime founded by Muhammad Ali al-Kabir that ruled Egypt since 1805. 

Mohammed Ali was a member of the Albanian army and worked as an officer under the Ottoman caliphate and succeeded in reaching the rule of Egypt. He established the modern state of Egypt. Mohammed Ali knew how to choose his regardless of religion or origin. Under his ruling, Copts and Armenians reached the highest positions based on their efficiency. 
The Free Officers group overthrew the regime that was not perfect, but has been characterized by many good qualities that Egypt had not seen since. There was real democracy and a strong economy. Egypt was the country of opportunities for the Arabs and even the Europeans from the Mediterranean countries such as Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Turkey and others. At that time, Egypt did not have problems of terrorism, transportation, housing, health or education. 
However, what happened in 1952 gave the Egyptians at first hope to see Egypt better than it was. Egyptians were proud that for the first time in thousands of years they had achieved real independence and were ruled by men of their own country. If the situation continued under Major General Mohammad Najib, the situation would have been different. The man had an agenda to build Egypt on the long run. However, the younger officers headed by Gamal Abdel Nasser did not like his thinking, so they excluded Mohamed Naguib.
Personally, I respect Nasser as national man who showed sympathy with the poor and had great projects to build factories and the high dam as well as to put an end to the remaining British occupation. Yet, I reject his political naiveté, accompanied by arrogance and stubbornness, which led to the destruction of Egypt.
One of the most important factors that caused the undermining of the Egyptian economy after 1952 was socialist decisions by which he robbed the rich and gave to the poor. This led to the destruction of Egyptian agricultural land by dividing it. At that time, Egypt began to import its food.
The rent law of houses was another problem that led owners of the houses to be poor and allowed the tenants to occupy the houses forever and for very little money.
Egypt was involved in several wars that destroyed its power and economy and killed many Egyptians. Egypt was turned into a police state where the State Security Service spies on citizens and all state institutions.
It is ironic that the countdown to the fall of Egypt began when Egypt was ruled by its own people. The modern country that was founded by the Albanian man Muhammad Ali has been transformed by some of its sons into a semi-state.