• 03:06
  • Tuesday ,15 May 2018

Mohamed Salah deserves the Golden Boot, says Harry Kane




Tuesday ,15 May 2018

Mohamed Salah deserves the Golden Boot, says Harry Kane

Tottenham Hotspur striker Harry Kane praised Liverpool s Mohamed Salah after the Egyptian clinched the Golden Boot, stopping Kane from reaching the award in what would have been his third consecutive season as the top Premier League scorer.

Salah won the award with a record of 32 goals in a 38-game season, two more than Kane.
“It s good to have competition and it s great for the Premier League to have two players at the 30-goal mark,” Kane told British media.
“For me, it was a target to improve on last year, when I got 29, and it was nice to get to that 30-goal mark. Mo has done great this year, he deserves it, he deserves the Golden Boot. I am looking forward to the competition again next season," he said.
The 24-year-old Kane, who scored 25 times in 2015-16 and 29 in 2016-17, says that Salah s record moves his own target higher for the next season.
“I haven t seen Mo to talk with him. But this is what you want at the highest level – you want to be fighting for things, and I think we pushed each other. He broke the record for a 38-game season and that is what I will try to do next season," Kane explaned.
“For me, it is about doing it year after year. This is my fourth year now and the first time I have got to 30 goals in the Premier League," the striker continued.
"Now it s about getting to 30 goals for the next two or three years. That s the aim. Any player wants to do it on a consistent basis and that s what defines a good player from a great player. Mo has done amazing and he looks like a great player. We ll see if we can continue it next season.”
The 25-year-old forward Salah has played the best season ever played by an Egyptian, scoring 44 goals in 51 appearances in all competitions this season.
He has clinched all individual titles in the Premier League, including Player of the Year, and will get the chance to add to that tally when Liverpool face Real Madrid in the Champions League final on 26 May.