• 20:29
  • Monday ,16 April 2018

Egypt court upholds death sentences against 4 defendants in Ousim terrorist cell case


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,16 April 2018

Egypt court upholds death sentences against 4 defendants in Ousim terrorist cell case

Egypt s Court of Cassation upheld on Sunday death sentences against four defendants convicted of terror-related charges, including two in absentia, in the 2015 "Ousim terrorist cell case.”

The court also upheld jail sentences ranging between 15 years to life for 29 defendants in the same case, including 13 in absentia.
The defendants were referred to trial in November 2015 on charges of forming and operating a terrorist cell with the aim of undermining the constitution, targeting public and private property, threatening law enforcement officers, as well as a failed assassination attempt on a judge in March 2015.
The defendants were also accused of orchestrating and carrying out a number of terrorist attacks in Giza governorate.
The defendants were initially sentenced by a criminal court in February. 
The Sunday Court of Cassation verdict is not subject to appeal.