• 04:30
  • Wednesday ,07 March 2018

High time to awake out of sleep


Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,07 March 2018

High time to awake out of sleep

Spiritual insensitivity may affect many believers and perhaps servants who are linked to the church. Thus, we may need to take care of our Spiritual vigilance in order not to lose our eternal life.

Abba Pachomious, former acting Patirarch, talked in his article entitle  Spiritual vigilance  about losing such vigilance.
The first reason is the constant preoccupation with work, media, and problems. The various social networking sites may add to addiction or preoccupation with friends without spending with God in prayer and service. 
Second reason for losing spiritual vigilance is personal desires or sins that make us forget about God. Third, is having bad company or friends. Fourth, having uncontrolled senses.
On the other hand, there are things that improve the spiritual vigilance, including meditation on the love of God and striving against sin, stick to attending the holy mass and confession as well as obeying the advice of the spiritual Fathers and always remember the inevitable death. 
May God grant us spiritual vigilance  And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. (Romans 13: 11)