• 01:05
  • Tuesday ,23 January 2018

German mum will be first European woman executed in Iraq for joining ISIS with her two daughters and marrying them off to militants

By The Sun News

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,23 January 2018

German mum will be first European woman executed in Iraq for joining ISIS with her two daughters and marrying them off to militants
The unnamed woman, who has been sentenced to death by hanging, fled Germany with her two children who then married members of the brainwashed death cult.

A court in Baghdad heard how the woman, who was captured last year by Iraqi forces, helped the extremist group after travelling to the war-torn country with her children.
Abdel Settar Bayraqdar, spokesman for the Supreme Judicial Council, said she had been found guilty of “providing logistical support and helping the terrorist group to carry out crimes.”
He said: “The accused admitted during interrogations that she left Germany for Syria then Iraq to join Isis with her two daughters, who married members of the terrorist organisation.”
Last September, the same court sentenced to death a Russian man who had fought with the terror group in Mosul.
Iraqi forces expelled the jihadists from the Iraqi city in July 2017, ending three years of ISIS rule in the town.
Fellow German Linda Wenzel, 17, who joined the death cult in 2016, was also captured last summer and now faces being executed as well.
Last month, the German schoolgirl told of how the decision to join ISIS aged 15 has "ruined her life".
Wenzel, who left the town of Pulsnitz in East Germany to join the terror group, broke down in tears when she was reunited with her mother in Baghdad in front of the cameras.
She fell in love with an ISIS recruiter on the internet, who persuaded her to forge her mother s permission to board a flight to Turkey before sneaking across the border to Syria.
Her 48-year-old mother Katharina Wenzel flew out to Baghdad in December with her other daughter Miriam to visit Linda, now aged 17.