• 14:17
  • Tuesday ,23 January 2018

The Epiphany

Mina M. Azer

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,23 January 2018

The Epiphany

The Coptic Christians are used to eat taro and reeds at the feast of Epiphany, which commemorates the baptizing of Jesus Christ in Jordan River.

Eating this food is not a ritual, but it is a custom for the Copts and may be because the season of taro and reeds coincides with the Epiphany feast. 

Epiphany is related to being covered by water, just like Egypt is covered by corruption on all levels. It is also covered with its debts, which is yet more dangerous than corruption.

Having too much debts started with Khedive Ismail and continued ever since. The Egyptian governments increased the debts and competed to raise them in order to build cities and projects. Many people are starving and they can t eat the stones of these cities. May God save Egypt and its people at such critical moment!