• 21:04
  • Friday ,12 January 2018

In Christmas, he went around doing evil!

By-Morkos Kamal Zakher



Friday ,12 January 2018

In Christmas, he went around doing evil!

It was written about Jesus Christ that ‘he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil. (Acts 10:38) I remembered this verse as we celebrate Christians and New Year. 

It was amazing that Christ has served not only those who loved and hated him as well. This was the opposite of what the terrorist who shot several Copts dead in the street as he went around doing evil! The man believes he is serving God and pleasing him by killing the infidel Christians and was hardly arrested by the unarmed people, which proves the police didn’t do their job as they should. 
Christ was spreading love, and the terrorist was spreading death and hatred. Yet, the education he received is the one to blame as he learned that killing innocent people pleases their God. 
The problem is that there are many institutions that support the ideology of this terrorist and even encourages him. I pray to the incarnate God to enlighten their eyes and souls to embrace good and do it like our God.