• 20:00
  • Friday ,22 December 2017

Still not citizen

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,23 December 2017

Still not citizen

The last sectarian events happened in Atfeeh, showed without any doubt that we will far away from being state of law or for coptic to be a real citizen. 

The culture of hatred still dominating the egyptian scene because Egypt still water the plants with the same source of water which make the thoughts and the ideas polluted against the coptis.   
We have mentioned before and we still going to say it that there is no hope to put an end to such events without amending the education system and teaching in mosques. 
Poverty and ignorance dont mean violence, there are many countries around the world are poor and ignorant but not practicing such  from violence against others because of their belief. 
In conclusion, I want to assure that Egyptian problem is a deep and rooted problem and to get the roots out, you need much effort rather than just talking in the media.