• 06:16
  • Tuesday ,21 November 2017

People are waiting for success

Medhat Bishay

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,21 November 2017

People are waiting for success

No one succeeded  is a banner that was hanged on the doors of private schools in the sixties, where private schools were the solution and refuge for those with low grades. At that time, our government schools were an example of success unlike its current really bad situation.

I remember this frustrating sign while remembering the following scenes: 
Scene 1: President Sadat confessing he left the extremists tampering with the future and capabilities of the country. He announced in a famous speech the arrest of Christian and Islamic leaders including Pope Shenouda III which was received by a hysterical and joyful round of applauds by members of the Parliament.
Scene 2: President Mubarak after the assassination of Sadat held an unannounced agreement with the extremists to allow them to work on the ground and to practice politics just like any other party. Soon, he allowed Pope Shenouda to return to his office which was also received by a joyful round of applauds by members of the same Parliament!
Scene 3: Mubarak s regime is overthrown by the revolution of January 25 after 30 years of fake stability. The revolution was stolen by the same extremists and a committee of the Muslim Brotherhood was chosen to draft a new constitution. Such rule of the Brotherhood was a perfectly normal result of their active participation in political and social life for years. However, their rule was the worst year experienced by the Egyptians.
Scene 4: the Coptic Church, Al-Azhar and other parties are invited on July 3, 2013 to lay the road map for Egypt that included new constitution, president and parliament. However, only religious parties participated and the real parties like Wafd and The Assembly were excluded. I see the sign:  No one succeeded  but still hope for success and great projects on the ground.