• 00:19
  • Friday ,15 September 2017

Jewish extremists attack Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem


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Friday ,15 September 2017

Jewish extremists attack Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem

A number of Jewish extremists have attacked Bishop Attallah Hanna, Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem  

Christian denominations 53: 05 AD + 02: 00 CEST Wednesday 13 September 2017 Bishop Atallah Hanna Bishop Atallah Hanna Share Were arrested on Tuesday for an attempted assault by a group of Jewish extremists, students and students of a Jewish settlement school in the Old City of Jerusalem. The official page of the Bishop said in a statement that this happened during his departure from the monastery of the imprisonment of Christ and his journey in the path of pain towards the Patriarchate, pointing out that the number was more than 20 people.
The statement pointed out that these people first began spitting and then cursing, where they heard the Bishop of the Bishop of many offensive words where they abused the Holy Cross and assaulted the Christian religion and the young Palestinians who were present in the place to protect the sovereignty of the Bishop and prevent physical assault by these extremists.