• 18:29
  • Tuesday ,22 August 2017

Al-Azhars statement

Dr. Awad Shafik

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,22 August 2017

Al-Azhars statement

Al-Azhar has issued a statement to reject the Tunisian President call to give equal inheritance and rights for women against the Islamic Shari that oppress women in the matter of inheritance and getting married to non-Muslim men. This statement was no different from other statement of ISIS that calls to apply Islamic Sharia against human rights and even by killing innocent people.

It was also very similar to the prevention of Copts from praying claiming they have not obtained the due permits, which can be classified as oppression and a included under the category of crimes against humanity (in accordance with article 7 of the ICC Statute).
The bad thing in this statement is that it works against the renewal of religious discourse, which has been advocated recently in media. Moreover, the worst part of this statement is that it wants the application of Islamic law on international scale even against the international convention on human rights. 
Even if Al-Azhar has ambition to establish a central legislative authority, this shouldn t deprive other countries, such as Tunisia, of applying the principle of exercising their legislative sovereignty to take positive measures to ensure equality among its citizens.
In short, the international Islamic law or the universality of the application of Islamic law, which Al-Azhar is seeking, violates the features of contemporary international legal norms, especially humanity.