• 04:49
  • Wednesday ,16 August 2017

Egypt condemns Burkina Faso restaurant attack


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,16 August 2017

Egypt condemns Burkina Faso restaurant attack

Egypt has condemned on Monday a terrorist attack in Burkina Faso s capital Ouagadougou that killed at least 18 people and injured dozens.

In an official statement, Egypt s foreign ministry expressed its sincere condolences to the families of the victims, affirming that the Egyptian government and people stand with the government and people of Burkina Faso against terrorism.
On Sunday, suspected Islamist militants killed at least 18 people and wounded several during a raid on a restaurant in Burkina Faso s capital overnight, Reuters reported.
Burkina Faso, like other countries in West Africa, has been targeted sporadically by jihadist groups. Most attacks have been along its remote northern border with Mali, which has seen activity by Islamist militants for more than a decade.