• 14:53
  • Thursday ,17 August 2017

Pope discusses the Monastery of the Sultan issue with Ambassador of Egypt to Israel


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Wednesday ,16 August 2017

Pope discusses the Monastery of the Sultan issue with Ambassador of Egypt to Israel

Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of St. Mark See, received Ambassador Hazem Khairat, Ambassador of Egypt to Israel to discuss the issue of the Monastery of the Sultan. 

Coptic Orthodox Church had announced previously that it is negotiating the restoration of the Monastery of the Sultan in Jerusalem from the Ethiopian church after a delegation of Coptic bishops had traveled to Jerusalem to discuss the matter.
It’s worth mentioning that ownership of the monastery has been a source of contention between the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, with both factions stating longstanding historical claims to the property. Deir El-Sultan is one of several holy sites in the area which are contested by various Christian denominations. Coptic church has filed lawsuit in Israeli court to claim her rights to restore the monastery that belong to it before the 1967 set back.