• 14:37
  • Thursday ,03 March 2011

Army in talks with ElBaradei, Mussa


Home News


Thursday ,03 March 2011

Army in talks with ElBaradei, Mussa

CAIRO - Egypt's military leaders met a group including opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei and Arab League chief Amr Mussa late on Tuesday to discuss upcoming reforms, state media said.

 The goal was to listen to their views on the current political, economic and social system following the resignation of president Hosni Mubarak on February 11 after weeks of protests, the state news agency MENA said.

   The talks focused on constitutional reform, especially on the conditions for presidential candidates and the reduction of the number of terms to two of four years instead of an unlimited number of six-year terms, it said.
   ElBaradei, who ran the Vienna-based UN International Atomic Energy Agency from 1997 to 2009, returned to Egypt to publicly oppose Mubarak on January 27, three days before the massive street protests began, said he has not ruled out a run for the presidency.
   Mussa said last month he would be a candidate for Egyptian president.