• 09:13
  • Monday ,05 June 2017

El Menya Or Libya

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,05 June 2017

El Menya Or Libya

Twenty eight Copts from El Menya died  not to talk of those who were wounded  and by the way just a quick reminder that the word COPT=EGYPTIAN in a in Greek language mispronounced by non Greek people that are not accustomed to the Greek language!

Those victims were assassinated in a coward terrorist attack 2 days away from the holly Islamic month of Ramadan while a bus was heading to a cathedral near by in Menya! 
This attack took place few days after the Islamic conference in Saudi Arabia Kingdom in the presence of USA president Trump who took El Sisi speech as a guide for fighting Terrorism even the united nations and Russia considered El Sisi worlds a guidance in fighting terrorism!
That coward attack goal was to spread sectarian violence as it is well known that a lot in the El Menya population are Christians but in fact it was targeting the whole of Egypt, the hidden enemy is still trying hard to bring down EGYPT!

Yes, this hidden enemy (that is well known but thinks no body knows him) tried restlessly all means to bring down Egypt since they created the Muslim Brotherhood 1928 they tried to scare people so they  run away from Egypt, they tried to bring down tourism moreover the whole economy but nothing worked  this El Menya attack showed them that Muslims shoulders were there for Christians who lost their relatives in the attack to cry on them Saudi Arabia King was one of the firsts to offer his moral support and time had come to show the terrorists what El Sisi meant when he said  Countries that help terrorists with weapons financial support, training and any help are themselves classified as TERRORISTS! And El Sisi warned them in his fight with terror he ll not hesitate to fight them any where in this world and really it happened this time as news said they come from Libya where they were training their training camp was set on fire by Egyptian Eagles of Aviation!

For the second time our aviators avenge the atrocities of terrorists on Egyptians few years back some Egyptians who had to work in Libya were executed just because they were Christians and Egyptian eagles blow up those terrorists!   
Since NATO assassinated KADDAFI Libya become the best hide out of terrorists since Libyans are banned from having weapons by the united nations but terrorists get weapons beside geographically the best escape to Europe and by now most of us know the Manchester attacker was in Libya!
Trump was elected that was the choice of people that even the Muslims among them classify Muslim Brotherhood  as Terrorists but the rest of the white house are employees still having their jobs and following orders of their superiors that are still employee! So the policies of intelligence CIA is still the very same that supported Obama for 8 years and Bush before him and as they brought down Iraq and Libya and almost Syria they still trying to bring down Egypt!; BUT they oversee the fact that GOD blessed Egypt and Egypt alone!
As El Sisi said (and ( believe him) we will prevail!!!
May God keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians and his peace be upon you ALL!