• 00:48
  • Thursday ,13 April 2017
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Alexandria Cathedral bomber was IS affiliate deported from Kuwait to Egypt: Kuwaiti newspaper


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,13 April 2017

Alexandria Cathedral bomber was IS affiliate deported from Kuwait to Egypt: Kuwaiti newspaper

The main suspect in the bombing of St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Alexandria was an accountant working in Kuwait who was deported to Egypt after confirming his ties with the Islamic State terrorist organization, Al-Qabas Kuwaiti newspaper reported on Tuesday.

The newspaper reported security sources as saying that the suspect arrived to Kuwait in October 2016 with a license to work for a trading and contracting company, and worked as an accountant there until he was summoned by the State Security Service due to information received from its Egyptian counterpart.
He was subjected to extensive investigations into his relationship with IS and after his involvement with the terrorist group was proved, a decision to deport him to the Egyptian authorities was issued. His first-degree relatives and other close relatives were also deported.
The Kuwaiti sources added that Egyptian security released the suspect after they received him from Kuwait and after the information traded between the two countries confirmed that he was affiliated with IS and in contact with the organization leaders abroad.
IS has declared responsibility for the two bombings that hit St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Alexandria, and Mar Guirgis Cathedral in Tanta; both attacks killed over 45 people.
IS said Abu Ishaq al-Masri was the suicide bomber in Alexandria and Abu al-Baraa al-Masry was the suicide bomber in Tanta.
Qabas reported Egyptian security sources as saying that the suspect was born in September 1990 in Sharqiya governorate, where he lived in Minya al-Qamh city.
He obtained a bachelor of commerce and worked as an accountant for a private company in Kuwait in May 2016 before being sacked for political reasons.
He traveled with one of his friends to Turkey, remaining there until August 2016. He then moved to Syria in January 2017, before appearing at the church and blowing himself up, according to the same judicial sources.