• 01:20
  • Friday ,31 March 2017

Cover you head or else!

Mena Habeeb

Article Of The Day


Friday ,31 March 2017

Cover you head or else!
The disappearance of a Coptic minor girl has recently become a normal incident in Egypt. Thus, it was not strange to hear that a Coptic minor girl called Marina Nashaat has disappeared recently in mysterious circumstances and there was no real investigation concerning her disappearance as reported by her father. However, there were several strange attacks against Coptic women that occurred this week including two slaying attempts and kidnap attempt to a Coptic minor girl from her house by hundreds of people under the sight of the police. Furthermore, it is very strange that these attacks were somehow connected to covering their heads by hijab as this is the main way to differentiate between Christian and Muslim women in Egypt along with cross tattoo or necklaces.
Two Coptic women were attacked with white weapons, one of them in Warraq and the other in Mansiet Nasser, and both were not covering their heads indeed. Yet, they were lucky to survive the savage attack and the matter is currently under investigation by Egyptian police.
The other attack in Luxor was very strange and unique as well as fanatics besieged house of a Coptic minor girl demanding her family to hand the girl over claiming she has converted to Islam was unique as it continues to demonstrate the absence of law and lack of its respect by those savages. Yet, it was also connected to wearing hijab as the girl took a photo with hijab in the school to imitate her colleagues, but this photo was the only proof she became Muslim and got married to that Muslim guy!
Statements of Sheikh Haitham Bakry, Imam of Fatatih Mosque in Luxor, defended the demonstrations demanding the family of Coptic minor girl Amira to hand her over to them claiming she has converted into Islam saying: her new behavior showed her new belief! 
Those people are not trying to cover the heads of Coptic women, but they are trying to pull the wool over their own eyes. This is a good time to start having the right understanding for religion in Egypt and to realize that a true religion should make the people enjoy a better life.