• 16:19
  • Thursday ,27 January 2011

Egypt's activists try to stage new protests


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Thursday ,27 January 2011

Egypt's activists try to stage new protests

CAIRO - A small gathering of Egyptian anti-government activists tried to stage a second day of protests in Cairo Wednesday in defiance of a ban on any gatherings, but police quickly moved and disperse the group.

    Activists used social networking sites to call for fresh demonstrations but Facebook, a key tool used to organise protests, appeared to be at least partially blocked in the afternoon.

     Dozens of protesters gathered outside the Journalists' Union in downtown Cairo chanted: "Oh Egyptian people, be brave and join us". 

     Across the Egyptian capital on Wednesday, thousands of riot police were deployed in anticipation of fresh anti-government, Tunisia-inspired protests.

     A day earlier, tens of thousands demonstrated in Cairo and several other Egyptian cities to call for a solution to rampant poverty, rising prices and high unemployment.