• 20:50
  • Friday ,03 February 2017

A failure regime

Ashraf Dous

Article Of The Day


Friday ,03 February 2017

A failure regime

We have not taken a single step towards developing the performance of state leaders in Egypt, despite our repeated claims to establish a supreme council for the development of future plans for the country to choose the appropriate ministers and officials and put long-term plans to solve the chronic problems of health, education, and administrative corruption. This should be the mission of national security and military intelligence no more. 

I hope that those who plan are not the same people who carry out the plans since this is a major disaster in management science. The same failure policy leads to increasing corruption with neglect and confusion of the governmental officials.
The corruption has spread in every aspect of life, a fact that has not changed by the successive revolution. Everybody is toiled with the increasing prices.  The free market economy doesn’t mean the government let the traders ruin the market, close the factories and make the people suffer.
Within hours, Egypt will witness a new cabinet reshuffle, which is number 8 since the revolution of January 25. However, everybody hated such changes since they mostly bring bad candidates since we have to change our police above all.
In fact, Egypt has many treasures including more than half of the world's monuments, the River Nile, the Suez Canal, several mines, coastal beaches, agricultural lands, human resources as most of the Egyptians are youth. However, we have failure in all aspects of life because the successive regimes failed to manage our resources.